Revolutionary Pricing Solutions for Every Retail Sector

Customized to Align with the Distinctive Needs of Your Business

CLEARDEMAND’s cutting-edge pricing innovations unlock value for both traditional and digital retailers. Achieving success starts with leveraging big data analytics and continuous machine learning, empowering your pricing professionals with actionable insights on a daily basis.

CLEARDEMAND‘s data model and machine intelligence provide a universal foundation tailored to meet the unique needs of each channel of trade. With a proven track record of success, CLEARDEMAND works with a wide range of grocery, convenience, and general merchandise retailers. Additionally, CPG manufacturers leverage our solution to foster collaborative partnerships with their retail counterparts.

Achieve Price Alignment and Optimization Across an Extensive and Dynamic Assortment

CLEARDEMAND's advanced machine-learning algorithms analyze data from any source, delivering real-time intelligence and same-day pricing recommendations. By identifying key value items and applying pricing rule sets based on best practices, you will establish your desired price image and build shopper loyalty.

Driving Growth and Profitability

CLEARDEMAND is a trusted partner for convenience stores, providing valuable data, insights, and innovative solutions. We help you implement effective strategies to grow your market basket, enhance promotion effectiveness, and increase gross margin.

Forge Collaborative Partnerships with Retail Allies to Attain Margin Success

CLEARDEMAND's Category Captain Pricing empowers CPG manufacturers to strategically evaluate the competition, analyze shopper sensitivity, optimize pricing strategies, and create effective promotions to drive sales growth while maintaining profitability.

Optimize Markdowns for Profitability

Seasonal non-food products and apparel often need markdowns to manage inventory changes. Strategic discounting and timing for markdowns can boost sales and profitability. With a centralized pricing data source, you can align online and in-store prices, building shopper trust.


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